Monday 3 August 2015

Cyborg Hand

I thought this was one of the coolest projects I did for my art GCSE and was really fun to do. It's a hand with details modelled on the innards of a real human hand, but it turned out looking quite cyborg- esque!

Drawing from reference on human hands and their internal structure I thought it would be cool to replicate the veins, muscles and tendons with wires and string.

To make the main body of the hand I used a rubber glove as a mould and used it cast a plaster hand. My first attempt went horribly wrong and was full of air bubbles and fractures, so for my second (and final, having only two gloves) I poked holes in the ends of the fingers to allow the air to escape.

I had to cut the hand out of the glove so I didnt risk breaking the fragile plaster by peeling it. I then added the details, using tissue paper to represent the main muscles and wires for the veins.

10 Green Bottles Sitting on a Wall...

 Another project I did for my art GCSE was drawing and painting on glass bottles. The title of this post is slightly misleading because, as you've probably noticed, there are no green bottles!

The line drawings are standard permanent marker and the paints acrylic. I had thought that the acrylic may not paint nicely on the glass but it actually worked quite well.

▲ Triangles ▲

I recently started to learn how to use blender, a free 3D modelling software. Partially inspired by the Dirt 3 menu screens, this was a physics simulation with lots of pyramids that I incorporated into an art project.

"It's Alive!"

 This Frankenstein inspired painting was for one of my GCSE art projects. I played around with adding textures to the some areas of the piece such as the wall.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Cricket Card

A 'thank you' card for my cricket coach put together in Photoshop.

Rock the Empire!

A quick drawing for my brother's birthday card using Photoshop.


The previous work on this blog was all part of my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award, as part of the skills section. I uploaded the work  here as evidence of my learning and progression.

Having finished my GCSEs, I thought I should update this blog with some newer work. All the work posted after this will be a combination of new work and some of the more interesting older things I've been up to!